Staying Motivated in Lockdown

(Mid May Update)
Even though we’ve still been under lockdown the Widnes Wasps have been trying their hardest to keep each other motivated.
Whilst the lockdown is harder for some than others, every single person and Wasp has been affected by it for different reasons. Some are mourning the loss of a loved one; others live alone and only have face to face contact with supermarket staff once a week; and some of our Wasps are key workers in hospitals, emergency services, schools and supporting the NHS, who have faced increased risk and extensive working hours.
However, we also wanted to show that we have things to be happy about too. Throughout the lockdown Wasps have proved time and time again that we’re not just a club but also a family. We have supported each other and tried to encourage and motivate all of our members.
Agata, who is an experienced marathon and ultra-marathon runner, ran the NHS Challenge 2020 and completed a full marathon on her own. That in turn inspired Victoria to run a half marathon solo (she has only raced this distance twice before).
Here are some of the other achievements/improvements of our club members during the last few weeks:
Linda: My 5k time was my best in six years but overall I’d say I’m running on a par with 10 years ago! I also ran 130 miles in April – haven’t done that many in a month since I ran my last marathon in 2011 😁
Gemma: My fastest 5km in 4 years 😁
Victoria: I ran 125 miles last month which is a world record for me 🏃🏃
Stacey: I also got my 5K PB 21:57, first time under 22 minutes
Deb: I am running at least 20 -25 miles a week due to lockdown… previously it was 10
Nikki: I’m running nearly every day at least 6 times a week usually 3 / 4 … but struggling with distance past 7/8 miles … I need company!
Maria (who has been recovering from an injury): I am running 4 times a week now. It’s slow going but, living in Runcorn, I am learning to embrace running up hills 😩
Two of our longest serving Wasps, Susan and Barbara, both suffer from osteoarthritis – a long term degenerative disease – and have had to significantly reduce their running in recent years. Here’s what they say now …
Susan: Not being able to go to classes at the gym has encouraged me to add another run in each week, so I am running 18/19 miles over 4 days rather than 15 miles over 3 days. My long run has gradually increased to 6.7 miles and I have also slowly knocked seconds per mile from my run. All in all I am happier with my running than I was seven weeks ago.
Barbara: Running 3 times a week, which I was doing before, but all runs are of a decent length of 5 miles plus and I’m gradually increasing one of the runs to 7 miles. Doing lots of walking as well, which loosens the legs, definitely more energy but not able to do as much voluntary work for CAB and Willowbrook Hospice as before or spend time with grandchildren, so helps to keep me occupied. Enjoying feeling fitter and engaging again with the Wasps.

In other news, club member Joanne, contacted BBC Radio 2 with three things she was grateful for during lockdown, needless to say the Wasps featured on the list. Initially disappointed not to get a shout out, she was surprised to get a request for an interview with Angela Scanlon about our attempt to ‘collectively’ run to the North Pole during May. For a limited period you can hear the interview by clicking on this link, the interview starts at about 24 minutes in.
As of Sunday 10th May, between us we have travelled 975 miles of the 2532 miles from Widnes towards the North Pole. It’s going to be a close call but hopefully we will make, especially as we’re allowed more than one daily exercise from Wednesday 13th May!