All Together Again (almost).

Since our trip to the North Pole we have had fun with another running bingo card and also daily challenges. But most importantly England Athletics have issued guidance that allows us to run together again as a club.
Daily Running Challenge.
Every evening a Wasp would set a challenge for the other Wasps to complete the following day. The challenges set were varied to say the least and included;
- A yoga session
- A Pilates session
- Taking a photo of something in all of the colours of the rainbow
- Only turning right during your run
- Doing your favourite/regular route in reverse
- Taking photos of places that mean something to you
- Signs with North, South, East & West in them
- Recognising the summer Solstice
- Passing a garden centre and taking photos of red flowers
- And our favourite…treating yourself to a lolly ice after a hot run
Yoga Pilates Yoga Yoga Yoga Red Flowers Red flowers Rd Flowers Rainbow N,S,E,W Lolly Ice… …or is it an Ice Lolly
Running Bingo

Running Together Again
England Athletics (EA) have given us the good news that we can run together again. It’s not quite what it used to be yet and we have had to put some measures in place to allow us to run during the Covid 19 panndemic. Widnes Wasps committee have completed a risk assessment as required by EA and all members must agree to adhere to it before they can participate in club runs. We can only have a maximum of 6 runners per group keeping socially distanced while running. Currently we are offering multiple start times for our Tuesday sessions to existing members. But hope to be able to offer Thursday, Sunday and beginners’ sessions soon. For now we are just very happy to be able to run together with fellow members.